Sunday, March 20, 2011

oh my god, she's gonna have a bitch fit!

I’d like to think that I’m a nice person. However sometimes, I can throw a bitch fit. Usually it's when I’m jealous, stressed, do not get what I want, lack of sleep, bad mood, and especially when I’m trying to get somewhere  and the doushe in front of me is walking SO slow. Seriously, can’t handle it… get out of my way. But when creating a bitch fit there is always karma. Karma always nips you in the butt… and this is my story: 

At the airport. Going back to school after a long seven day spring day break. Wasn’t in the best mood…  was kind fighting with my parents about stuff. But for good reason. So I am at the gate, waiting to board.

Background info: Now I fly on Southwest Airlines and Southwest assigns each person a number to board the plane, so like if you have the number 1-30 you board first, and if you have 30-60 you board last. All passengers line up in number order. The great thing about Southwest is that they assign you a number to when you can get on the plane, but doesn’t assign you to any particular seat on the plane. You can choose where you want to sit. So obviously, if you have a lower, number you have a better seat, or a seat you want.

When in line, waiting to board the plane, and this very tall, skinny, long haired, indie, urban outfitters wearing, probably in college, girl slowly comes up to me. Let me remind you that I was in a very vulnerable state at this time. 

So she stops, and says “oh what number do you have.." and points to her ticket
And I say “um… well it doesn’t really matter what number I have, and I really don’t know” and then I turned the other way like an asshole.

I really don't know what came over me.... I don’t know what my though process was at the time… like I probably thought she wanted to go in front of me in line or something.  But HELL NO. I wanted a seat next to the window, so I could sleep and forget about my problems with my parents. 

She gives me a look and walks away. I get on the plane, fly back, and then arrive back on campus. Whatever. Okay, so at that point when I arrived back in my dorms, I did feel bad. And I just took it out on that poor girl. Fuck.

So that very night, I had a club meeting. The meeting begins and everyone in this huge circle of about 30 people. WHY IS THAT SAME GIRL I SAW AT THE AIRPORT at the meeting? Oh my god,she goes to my school. Oh my god, I am fucking idiot. At that point, I was like this isn’t happening, what the hell. That would happen.

So, it’s the beginning of the meeting and the club is holding board elections for next semester, and this girl is running for one of the spots on board like secretary or something. I’m on board. Awkward. I have never seen her in my life. I am just so caught off guard by the whole thing. At the end of the meeting, I come up to her and say hello. (I didn’t know what to do?.. honestly didn't know what to do) Hey what’s up… remember me the asshole at the airport. I mean she was perfectly fine, nice and polite. We quickly chatted about how we live in the same hometown, and how we both go to the same university. Small World.

Yup. That’s cool. 

Karma’s a bitch. 

I’m a bitch. (sometimes)

Fuck me.
I mean I see her time to time because she is a sophomore like me, so she eats in the same cafeterias like me and probably lives in the same dorms as me.  When I see her I smile and after she walks by I do a self slap across the face. Honestly. till this day, I don’t really know if she took that offensively, but I think she did. I would. I’m so sorry if you reading this!

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