Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Jobs

before reading please update yourself: job interview

so obviously didn't get that job. surprised?  not really.

however, i didnt end up working at the same mall for another retail company. a few weeks later the same guy who i interviewed with/shook his hand with my wet hand come into the retail company that I  currently work for. Awkward. He came in with his girlfriend. His girlfriend was asking me a bazillion questions. and he well... he was pretty uncomfortable. I was chillen though.

I was working a couple days ago at my current retail job in the mall, folding clothes in the front of the store, while greeting customers as they come in. Well guess who walks into my store... John. (Read High School Hotties Post) John comes in with a friend and suddenly comes over to me.

He was still as lucious as he was in high school. I assumed he worked at abercrombie and fitch because he wreaked of their cologne. This is how the conversation went down. FYI- from my past occurrences with john i decided to pretend not to know him.

John: oh hey. do I know you from somewhere?
Me: well, um im not sure.
John: are you from around here.
Me: yeahh
John: what is your name.. wait don't tell me. what does it start with
At this point.. i'm getting clearly annoyed. go away. i was strugglin trying to fold these damn tshirts.
Me: L...
John: Lizzy....
Me: close.. leah
John: do you have a sister
Me: no..
John: hold old are you?
In my mind... what are with these questions... christ.
Me: I'm a rising junior
John quickly gets unconfortable... starts looking around, fidgeting  with his hands.
John: ugh well... uhhh... sorry to bother you!
He then proceeds to run out of the store.

I was really confused by what just happened. Then I thought about it.

Whether he recognized me or not, he was hitting on me. He asked for my age, and when I told him, I as a rising junior... he thought I was a rising junior in high school. LMAO. actaully dying.

what up pedafile.

I'm hilarious, even if it is on accident.

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